Decorative Wall Mirrors
From large rectangular framed mirrors to small accent rectangle wall mirrors.
Round mirrors for home decorating including convex mirrors.
All sizes of square mirrors.
Arched mirrors or mirrors with an arch top create a classic elegant look for your walls.
Oval mirrors in all types including oval wall mirrors and oval bath mirrors.
Floor mirrors and wall leaner mirrors for decorating. Full length dressing mirrors - standing mirrors.
Simple frameless mirrors perfect for business, home, or as vanity mirrors.
Ornate mirrors with beautiful carved frames, custom paint colors, classic and modern designs.
Modern mirrors make a statement. So many fabulous designs and styles. Starburst Mirrors.
Venetian style mirrors are a beautiful antique style frameless mirror.
Colorful stained glass Tiffany Style Mirrors.
Browse mirrors online by color. Looking for a black mirror, silver mirror, or gold mirror?
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Mirrors have been around for thousands of years. Since the beginning of time mankind has been fascinated by their reflection whether from a still pool of water, a polished slab of stone, a polished piece of metal or the modern mirror made of glass with a reflective coating. Highly polished metal mirrors have been found by archeologists as early as 6000 bc and wall mirrors were popular with the Romans back in the first century bc. It was not until the latter half of the 15th century though that glassmakers in Venice Italy developed a way of making a clear colorless glass called "cristallo". This allowed for much clearer reflecting mirrors than ever before. Now days most mirrors are made of float glass. The way this is done is by running a ribbon of glass directly out of the furnace and onto the surface of a bath of molten tin. By closely controlling the temperature of both the glass and the tin, the resulting mirror is perfectly flat and without distortion. Whether you are looking for a round mirror, oval mirror or arched mirror, you will find a high quality decorative wall mirror to meet your needs. We also have an extensive selection of quality floor mirrors, full length mirrors and venetian mirrors. We are your decorative wall mirror super store. Shop with us for the best quality, selection and discount pricing. For excellence in customer service please call or email us.