How To Make a Burlap Chair Bow
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Inexpensive burlap can be cut into long strips and easily tied around your dining chairs to create a festive look for all your holiday decorating.

Gather Supplies
We used a 2 yard x 6" wide strip to cover our chair. We suggest using 2.5 to 3 yards for a bigger bow with longer tails. A 46" wide burlap can be cut into seven 6" strips.

Step 1. Cut burlap into strips. To cut burlap so that it has clean edges, pull a string from the selvage where you want to cut. Pull on it until it breaks (the fabric will gather as you pull). Once the thread is out, cut along the gap. When you reach where your thread broke, pull on it again to create another gap to continue your cut.

Step 2. Measure and cut each strip.

Step 3. Tie a pretty bow on your chairs.
Fabrics Used: Bengal Burlap Sage